Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Curiousity for people

In my daily life I meet up with a lot of different people. Sometimes I meet them at work, sometimes at school, you even walk, bike or drive past them during a trip. We see people all around us.
Often I find myself looking at them, trying to figure out who they are, what they do. I am interested in knowing why they wear what they wear, why they do what they do. My mind wonders off to think what their life would be like.

You can tell a lot by just looking at the way they walk, if it’s insecure or sturdy. How they dress, if it looks trendy or Goth, sloppy or chic. Whether they frown or smile, you can tell if it’s fake or real. I think to myself: gosh, if only I knew what they thought.

It’s actually pretty normal to look at people and think about them. A lot of us do. It’s normal to want to compare yourself to the rest of the world. We are all curious, it’s in our nature. We are curious for everything we come across, we are a species that “wants to know things”. To be able to evolve, we need to know things, so it’s only natural.

 I know a lot of people think it’s important what other people think about them and we tend to want to adjust to that. A lot of us are insecure. But…don’t we all look at each other? Even if only for the reason I described above? Curiosity?

So everyone looks at other people and many of us feel judged. Why is that? Since we look at others too. It’s like saying “I don’t want you to look at me and judge me!” while you’re looking at and judging your neighbour.

From this you can draw the conclusion that judging and being judged is absolutely normal and not actually something to feel threatened by.
Do we actually look at someone and think: ‘You are dressed wrong! I will judge you and I never want to work with you/speak to you/anything else again.’ No, a lot of us don’t.
And honestly, those who do, don’t you think they are very narrow minded if they judge you based on how you dress or look? Do you even feel the need to be around these kind of people? I don’t.

The reality is: you can never please everyone. Like I said in my last post, we are all different people, we all like and dislike different things.
The important thing to remember is that you are unique, just like everyone else. When someone judges you, take it as their opinion, not something that is written in stone.

Only you know the real you and that’s all that matters, because it’s your life. You will live with you until the end, not the judger. So the only thing that really matters is what YOU think matters.

Love yourself x2!

S.P. van der Lee


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